Five Commercial Cleaning Products You Need

There are hundreds of different commercial cleaning products to choose from, which can easily overwhelm most people. While some products are integral, others you could probably live without — but how can you tell the difference? We’ve put together a list of products you simply can’t go without, so keep on reading to find out what you’ll need to add to your shopping list.
Dish Soap
Getting food that has affixed itself to your dishes can be a major pain, especially when it is greasy stuck-on food. A commercial dish soap can remove greasy food particles with relative ease and will also not irritate your hands. Moreover, if you have allergies, or are generally not a fan of strong smells, then you’ll be happy to know that many products come without artificial scents to worry about.
Stainless Steel Polish
Stainless steel appliances can be sheer agony to clean properly. If you work at a school or daycare you may have to deal with tiny little hands and footprints all over the stove and fridge, which can be a nightmare to clean properly. Many stainless steel polishes currently being sold on the market contain harmful VOCs, that can not only harm people but also negatively impact the environment as well.
The good news is, there are a ton of products on the market that are environmentally friendly, while also providing the same potent cleaning power of many of its harsher competitors. Look for a product that includes an anti-fingerprint repellent to protect your appliances from grubby hands.
Wood Floor Cleaner
Sealing and cleaning hardwood floors can be a chaotic mess, and can make your building smell of artificial and harsh lemon or pine scents if you use certain products. Finding an eco-friendly solution will not only eliminate the smell, but you also won’t have to worry about harsh chemicals that can make you sick. A good wood floor cleaner can clean and polish your floors until they gleam like new, and you don’t even have to open up your windows in order to do so, which is a nice touch if you are planning on cleaning and sealing your hardwood floors during the fall or winter.
Hand Sanitizer
If you work in an office then you are probably aware of how important it is to keep your hands nice and clean. Failure to do so will lead to germs spreading easily, as many people shake hands and share office supplies in an office. As such, using a hand sanitizer often will reduce the spread of germs and diseases that can force employees to take more sick days, which will lead to a marked drop in productivity.
However, many sanitizers on the market are actually quite harmful and can irritate skin, remove natural and healthy skin oils from the skin and can make you sick if accidentally ingested. We know what you’re thinking — hand sanitizer irritates your skin. It’s a relief to know that there are products out there that don’t contain many of the antibacterial chemicals that can irritate your skin. Look for natural alternatives to keep everyone in your office healthy and safe.
Bamboo Towels
Canadians use billions of pounds of paper towels every single year. Paper towels are very convenient to just use as needed and discard into a garbage bin. However, all of those paper towels used every single year add up to quite a bit, and you can reduce your carbon footprint by reducing the number of paper towels that you use. When you stock your building’s bathrooms with bamboo paper towels, you’ll be doing your part for the environment, without having to compromise.
If you would like to learn more about the best commercial cleaning products then we can help. With over 60 years of professional janitorial and cleaning experience in the commercial space, RBC Cleaning is dedicated to going above and beyond the call of duty to not only foster customer satisfaction but customer delight. We believe that a happy customer is a loyal customer and our superlative services place customer care above all else.
For more information on our commercial cleaning services, call us at 1-866-506-9736 or contact us here.