5 Tips For Easily Removing Stains From Floor Tiles

Floor tiles, especially white floor tiles, can make or break the look of a whole room, whether it is your bathroom, kitchen, mudroom etc. Getting down on your hands and knees and scrubbing away is physically exhausting, especially if you've left the floor for a while and given the dirt and grim ample time to really dig itself in. Below are 5 tips for easily removing stains from floor tiles.
Lighter fluid. You don't need to break your back trying to get black scuff marks out of white floor tiles. If you have a little lighter fluid on hand just pour a few drops on the problem areas, give it a minute or two to start breaking the marks up, and watch them wipe away with ease.
Pencil erasers. Black dress shoes scuffed your kitchen floor beyond recognition? Grab one of the kid's pencils and simply apply the eraser to them. It's amazing how well a pencil eraser gets rid of shoe scuffs.
Steel wool. The traditional mop and soapy water is notoriously bad at getting rid of scuffs. To rid vinyl floor tiles of black marks completely, grab a steel wool soap pad, which you can pick up at most kitchen and hardware stores, and gently massage the scuff marks out in a circular motion and wipe the floor down with a wet sponge.
Vinegar. Vinegar has to be one of the most multipurpose liquids on the face of this earth. Nobody's home should be without a container of vinegar! Soap scum and water spots that accumulate around the ceramic tiles in your bathroom are no match for a little vinegar and a soft sponge.
Ammonia and water. Resilient tiles are often prone to wax buildup which over time can cause them to take on an ugly yellow colour. You can remove these old wax layers and bring your floor tiles back to their original shine by mixing half a cup of ammonia with 2 litres of water. Let the solution sit for three to five minutes and then go at the tiles with a nylon scouring pad. Wipe away the residue when you are done and then rinse the area.
Floor tiles are very aesthetically pleasing, but the downside is, they are quick to show wear and tear. If you have kids or a husband with a never ending supply of black dress shoes, your floors are quickly going to show it! Use one or all of the above 5 methods to make sure that your floor tiles stay beautiful and scuff free.