Summer Commercial Cleaning: 8 Do’s and Don’ts You Need to Know

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Summer commercial cleaning: 8 do’s and don'ts you need to know

Summer is almost upon us. The spring cleaning is done and finished for another year, but why should we now focus on summer cleaning? Surely, the spring clean was enough?

Unfortunately, cleaning never ends. To keep your business looking its best and staff and clients healthy, cleaning is an ongoing task—it just changes a little with the season.

1. Do keep the floors clean

With the daily traffic coming and going through your business, even at the height of summer when the leaves are on the trees and the sun is shining, you will still get a build-up of dirt and grime.

Environmental factors outside do make their way inside, so daily sweeping and mopping will help keep them at bay. Rugs and carpets should be vacuumed daily. This will help you see if any patches are being worn down faster than others so you can keep on top of maintenance.

The sun is also unforgiving in the summer, and its harsh UV rays can cause certain materials to fade, so regular corporate cleaning services help to check up on furniture, too. They also stop the sun from highlighting spills and other missed areas.

2. Do check your air quality

Spring and fall are the main seasonal culprits for allergies starting to creep into our businesses.

However, summer is not exempt from this issue. While it can be less noticeable as people are outside more, other allergens (such as tree or flower pollen) are in full swing.

Keeping your air filters changed regularly and maintained will reduce build-up and result in fewer sick days being requested.

3. Don’t put it off for later

Keeping your work space free and clear of clutter not only promotes a better work environment, but is also easier on your mental health. Making sure filing is done on time and as needed keeps the stacks of paperwork off your desk and in its proper place.

Don’t put this work off until later. Eventually, the stacks can become overwhelming and depressing, and more work is generated when it could have been avoided in the first place.

4. Don’t forget to check the fridge

In the summer, there is a heightened risk of food odours due to perishable items as the temperatures rise.

Food will decay faster if not properly disposed of. Rotting food opens the door to illness and the spread of germs, so you should remove uneaten or past its best-by date items in the fridge.

Desk drawers should not contain perishable food regardless, but if someone does have something they intend to eat on that day and don’t, then it needs to go.

5. Do clean the windows

Sunlight is important for all living things, including human beings. It helps to keep us physically and mentally healthy, especially when we have to work all day inside.

Clean windows let in the light, while tints can reduce the exposure to UVB and UVA rays, allowing us to see the outside world.

While there is no concern over dirt and salt build-up like there is in the winter, or grass clippings and dirt in the spring from landscaping, a small film of dust will still form on the windows, especially following summer rainstorms. Therefore, windows should not be ignored.

6. Do get a jump on the cleaning early

When summer is in full swing, the temperatures in the early to mid-afternoon are intense. Production slows down, the hunt for thirst-quenching refreshments rises, and the temptation to end the day early is almost unbearable.

This rise in temperatures makes us sluggish and less willing to do manual labour, so getting the cleaning done early in the morning is preferable. Cleaning in the evening when the temperatures start to cool down again is also better than in the afternoon.

Commercial cleaning is typically done outside of business hours, so the cleaning team is always in peak condition and unaffected by the rising heat.

7. Don’t let the trash pile up

If garbage bins are full, take them straight to the dumpster. This will prevent bad smells in the office, as well as unsightly overflowing bins for customers or clients to walk past.

A few moments on a break to run things outside will benefit the office for the rest of the day. Anything left overnight can potentially welcome you the next morning with foul smells and tripping hazards.

8. Don’t rush the cleaning

Take your time with cleaning and ask others to help with the bigger things, and you will get the job done quickly and without overworking yourself.

One surefire way to achieve this is by partnering with a cleaning service that can take the bigger stuff off your shoulders. This means you only need to check the fridge and empty the occasional bin, unless you have a janitorial service that operates during the day.

Your Professional Commercial Cleaning Partner

RBC Clean has been cleaning commercial and residential spaces for over 60 years, and we know how to ensure that summer cleaning is done right and on time.

With our professional staff who operate janitorial services, industrial cleaning, commercial cleaning and more, you never have to worry about seasonal cleaning being missed, done wrong, or missing out on important family time while the sun is still shining.

So, call us at 1-855-493-9259 and speak to one of our friendly, professional, and knowledgeable team members today, or you can contact us online.

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