Janitorial service & office cleaning in Vaughan

Vaughan is one of York Regions fastest growing cities. The development of new business centres and residential construction is only expected to grow. Many current residents and businesses choose Royal Building Cleaning as their trusted cleaning service provider.

At Royal Building Cleaning we tailor our service to suit the needs of each customer. Whether its small business owners looking for service a few times a week, or larger facilities that require round the clock service throughout the day, Royal Building Cleaning has it covered.

We Keep Vaughan Clean and Professional

The busy stores and businesses of Vaughan deserve a professional commercial cleaning service to take care of their buildings and maintain a professional image. At Royal Building Cleaning we specialize in Janitorial Service & Office Cleaning however we also offer window cleaning, carpet cleaning, floor refinishing, and emergency services to our clients.

Consider Royal Building Cleaning for your cleaning service. We will visit your workplace to evaluate your cleaning requirements and work together to determine what services best suit your needs and your budget.

Royal Building Cleaning has served Vaughan and the surrounding area for more than 68 years. Give us a call today at 905-294-3311!

If you are a business owner in the Vaughan, Ontario area, why would you consider changing your Janitorial Service & Office Cleaning? There would have to be something so remarkable to make you would sit up and take notice of another commercial cleaning company. It just so happens that in the Vaughan area, there is a remarkable Janitorial Service & Office Cleaning that is worthy of your consideration.

This Janitorial Service & Office Cleaning has almost six decades of cleaning experience. It hires the best professional people it can find and makes sure they are exceptionally well-trained. It performs every cleaning service you could think of and has a reputation for not saying no to a cleaning request. If you want your antique glass light fixture chamois-cleaned every night, it’s on the schedule.

Vaughans Best 24/7 Commercial Cleaning Service

Best of all, this Janitorial Service & Office Cleaning is on call 24/7 for problems and emergencies. That’s called peace of mind. This cleaning service is called Royal Building Cleaning, and they serve Vaughan and the surrounding area. Consider finding out what Royal can do for your business’ cleaning needs. You may be surprised by the scope of service, not to mention the extra convenience.

Services Offered in Vaughan, Ontario:


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